Eyebrow Transplantation;Eyebrows are an important part of human expression and communication. Eyebrows, which have an important place on our face, can be in a shape or size that most people are not satisfied with. Because of this reason, most people try to fix their eyebrow defects with daily cosmetic eyebrow care methods.

Those who have problems with their eyebrows and are looking for a permanent solution prefer eyebrow transplantation. Eyebrow transplantation is performed with the FUE transplantation technique. Hair follicles in the nape region are generally used as donors for the eyebrow transplant. Eyebrow transplantation is performed by applying local anesthesia and is completed in 3-4 hours on average. The hair follicles to be used in eyebrow transplantation must be placed at a certain angle in the implantation area.

Of course, daily cosmetic eyebrow solutions for people who complain about their eyebrows are not only impermanent but also quite costly. Cosmetic care procedures have to be renewed every day or for short periods of time.

How is Eyebrow Transplantation Performed?

In eyebrow transplantation, DHI technique is applied just like in hair transplantation. Because the eyebrows are the most important element in terms of the person’s face, it is necessary to be very meticulous when eyebrow transplantation is performed. During eyebrow transplantation, the procedure is performed by taking into account the face shape and wishes of the person. When eyebrow transplantation is performed, hair follicles are taken from the donor area, similar to hair transplantation, and stored in a special solution to keep them alive. The hair follicles taken are planted one by one in the eyebrow area in the direction of the previously determined angle and shape.

How to Choose an Eyebrow Transplantation Center?

Eyebrow transplant centers, like hair transplant centers, are health institutions that should be chosen carefully. Eyebrow transplant is a permanent aesthetic solution that can be applied to people who have eyebrow loss due to different reasons or who have sparse eyebrows. People with scars or burn marks on their eyebrows can also have transplantation. The mentioned eyebrow transplant is done regardless of whether it is a woman or a man.

The important factor in eyebrow transplantation is that the person who will have eyebrow transplantation should be very meticulous about the eyebrow transplantation clinic. During eyebrow transplantation, attention should be paid to the direction of the eyebrows and try to achieve as natural a result as possible. Hair transplant centers should prepare a new eyebrow design for the person to be transplanted, taking into account the previous eyebrow structure.

What to Keep Eye on After Eyebrow Transplants?

After eyebrow transplantation, slight redness and crusting might occur in the eyebrow area of ​​the person. One of the most important points to be considered after eyebrow transplantation is not to remove the crusts by hand. Following the eyebrow transplantation, contact with water should be avoided on the first day and the transplant area should be protected against impacts.

Since the transplanted eyebrows will be sensitive and tend to fall out in the first period, you should be very careful. The eyebrow hairs that come out after transplantation may be a little weak at first, but it is possible to have much more natural and dense eyebrows over time.

It takes some time for the transplanted eyebrow to take its full shape. Nonetheless, with the natural growth of the eyebrow, the person gets natural and dense eyebrows. After the transplantation process, within an average of 3 months, the new eyebrows of the person begin to grow and within 8 months. During this period, the patient should act according to the expert’s instructions and should not neglect your eyebrow care.

Is It Possible to Achieve Natural Eyebrows?

The biggest concerns of people with eyebrow problems about this procedure are whether or not eyebrow transplantation will look natural. If eyebrow transplantation is performed by experienced specialists in a professional hair transplantation center, it is possible to get very good results. The success of the procedure is also proportional to the preferred hair transplant center. For this reason, the person who will have the procedure should be very selective in this regard. During the procedure, if the eyebrows are set at a narrow angle, planted according to the direction of the eyebrow growth and he planting directions are well adjusted between the middle and the beginning, natural eyebrow implementation can be achieved.

Can it be transplanted for the second time?

Eyebrow transplant results are usually completed in a single session. However, after the transplant, if the person wants denser eyebrows or if the transplanted eyebrows are damaged, transplantation process can be done again one year later. Following the first implementation, until the natural and bushy planting is achieved, the additional eyebrow transplants will not cause any harm to the person.

Suitability for Eyebrow Transplant

It is enough for people to experience eyebrow loss due to gaps, wounds, piercing marks, illness or accident to be suitable for eyebrow transplant. Nevertheless, you can have a free eyebrow transplantation analysis performed by the expert team at a hair transplantation center to find out if you are suitable for eyebrow transplantation.

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